Thank you to everyone at Vodafone

Vodafone employees and the Vodafone Ireland Foundation very generously raised much needed funds for the IRFU Charitable Trust to help support the 36 seriously injured rugby players across Ireland. On behalf of the Trust, thank you to all those in Vodafone for your support.

Jane Lawrence and Martha O’Reilly from Vodafone presented the cheque to Linda Black and Michael Whelan from the Trust; with Martha saying: “We were delighted to raise €3,283 for the IRFU Charitable Trust through an internal employee engagement donation drive along with support from the Vodafone Ireland Foundation. We are so proud to be able to support the exceptional work that the Charitable Trust undertake to support injured rugby players.”

Linda Black (IRFU Charitable Trust), Martha O’Reilly (Vodafone), Jane Lawrence (Vodafone) and Michael Whelan (IRFU Charitable Trust)

Linda Black (IRFU Charitable Trust), Martha O’Reilly and Jane Lawrence (Vodafone Ireland)