Pay by Cheque
To become a FRIEND and pay by Cheque, please post the following information to the IRFU Charitable Trust:
1. Please let us know your full name, address, mobile / telephone number, and email address (if you have an email address).
2. Please let us know if you are joining as:
- as a CLUB
- as a SCHOOL
3a. If joining as a Club, or as a School, or as a Corporate FRIEND:
Along with your own details above, please include your Club or School or your Business NAME and ADDRESS.
Then please include a CHEQUE made payable to the ‘IRFU Charitable Trust‘ for:
- Republic of Ireland Club or School: minimum €250 per annum (if you would like to contribute more, please do so)
- Northern Ireland Club or School: minimum £220 per annum (if you would like to contribute more, please do so)
- Republic of Ireland Corporate FRIEND: minimum €1,200 per annum (if you would like to contribute more, please do so)
- Norther Ireland Corporate FRIEND: minimum £1,100 per annum (if you would like to contribute more, please do so)
3b. If joining as an Individual:
Please let us know the gift you would like from the following:
- Canterbury Backpack
- Canterbury Boot Bag
- Canterbury Cap
- Canterbury Sports Bag
- Rugby Beanie
- Rugby Scarf
- Heritage Bow Tie
- Heritage Tie
- Heritage Golf Umbrella
Please include a CHEQUE made payable to: ‘IRFU Charitable Trust‘ for the amount:
- Republic of Ireland: minimum of €150 per annum (if you would like to contribute more, please do so)
- Northern Ireland: minimum of £130 per annum (if you would like to contribute more, please do so)
4. Finally, when you have completed all of the above information and completed/signed your cheque, please post your information and cheque to the following address:
IRFU Charitable Trust FRIENDS
10-12 Lansdowne Road
Dublin 4
Republic of Ireland